Thursday, July 2, 2015


postsFriday, May 22, 2015

DESSERTS: PATRIOTIC CAKE #2(click here to print)

Patriotic Cake #2                              

    Cake :

    2 cups  protein isolate 5000 ( use Isopure)
    3 eggs large or extra large
    1 tsp baking soda
    1 tsp baking powder
    3/4 cup. (I used coconut oil)
    1 cup stevia
    1/2 cup walden farms apple butter
    1 tbsp vanilla extract

    Frosting :
    8 oz cream cheese

    1 cup whipping cream
    1/2 cup stevia

    Garnish :
    1 cup frozen strawberries or fresh
    1/2 cup frozen blueberries or fresh


- Preheated oven 350 degree.

- Mix all ingredients for cake until smooth.
- Spray pan with  coconut oil.
- Bake for 20 minutes..or less. You can check it use knife.

- Mix frosting ingredients, medium speed until smooth.

- Garnish the cake after cool.

serves 15; 5 g. carbs


  1. Wheat Protein Isolate 5000 is a highly functional wheat protein isolate containing 90% protein that delivers extensibility, film-forming properties and moisture management control to bread and other bakery products. In low-carbohydrate, high-protein applications, Wheat Protein Isolate 5000 is essential to the development of bakery products that maintain texture and flavor profiles similar to traditional bakery items. The replacement of wheat flour with Wheat Protein Isolate 5000 lowers the carbohydrate level while increasing the protein content of the finished product. In addition, Wheat Protein Isolate 5000 aids in the development of desired bread loaf structure and volume.

    Wheat Protein Isolate 5000 has the potential to revolutionize frozen and refrigerated dough systems. Because it possesses outstanding film-forming capabilities, this soluble wheat protein isolate controls water migration during the freeze-thaw process and increases freshness and extends shelf life in finished goods. Prepared in a water solution, Wheat Protein Isolate 5000 can produce a film coating that can be applied to products, such as pizza crusts, to serve as a moisture and fat barrier, as well as to enhance the crispness.

    Application Benefit
    Frozen and Refrigerated Dough Extended Shelf Life • Extended shelf life after baking • Increased volume
    Frozen Bread Dough Better, softer mouth feel • Fresher tasting • Extended shelf life after baking
    Par-Baked Bread Improved color, crust, and texture 0 carbs, 30 calories for 1 tbs.
