Monday, November 17, 2014

MAIN DISH: JOYCE'S ROAST CHICKEN(click here to print)

  •  I used One plump chicken season and rub with your favorite spices– assorted vegetables chopped in a very chunky style (thick quartered peppers and onions and similar sized chunks for everything else) – five or six garlic cloves left whole and unpeeled – a few tablespoons of good quality harissa – a couple of teaspoons of cumin seeds – a teaspoon of chili flakes – one lemon quartered – salt, pepper and a few tablespoons of olive oil.
    With regards to the veg – anything goes! Though NOT potatoes or too much starchy stuff. I threw in a carrots and leeks, red and green peppers, onion and a few halved tomatoes. Use what you fancy and what you like. Eggplant would be good, Likewise squash, zucchini, mushrooms, sweet potato (not too much though low carbers), bulb fennel and more.
  • Harissa is a hot Chili pepper paste whose main ingredients are roasted red peppers, serrano peppers and other hot chili peppers and spices and herbs such as garlic paste, coriander seed, or caraway as well as some vegetable or olive oil. You can find these in the spice isle at your grocery store.
         Nutritional Values for this Recipe:
        Recipe submitted by Joyce Houston

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