Friday, September 11, 2015


1 pound strawberries, preferably organic (16)
1 cup Dannon plain yogurt (add Splenda to taste)
1.5 ounces dark chocolate
Wash and dry the strawberries completely. Carefully hull the strawberries with a paring knife, removing the green leafy tops.
Place the yogurt in a bowl and stir until smooth. Carefully insert a fork into the hulled end of one strawberry (if you have a small cocktail fork, this works great). Dip the strawberry into the yogurt, turning it to coat the entire berry. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment or a wire rack. Repeat for the remaining berries.
Place the baking sheet in the freezer and freeze until firm, about 1 hour. At this point, if you want a thicker yogurt layer, dip the strawberries in the yogurt one more time and refreeze (I did two layers of yogurt in the photos).
Melt the chocolate in a small bowl in the microwave, stopping to stir it often so that it doesn’t scorch. Pour the melted chocolate into a small sandwich bag and cut off the tip of one corner. Using the bag like a piping bag, drizzle some chocolate onto each strawberry. Place the berries back in the freezer and freeze until solid. 4 carbs

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