Wednesday, May 20, 2015


When you've got errands to run, dinner to make, and a schedule to stick to, grocery-shopping can become a test of patience and a serious time drain. Keep yourself sane and on track with  10 commandments to efficient food shopping.
  1. Think ahead. Plan out your meals and food needs for the week. Start with breakfast and work your way mentally through each day. Do you have enough coffee, almond flour and almond milk?What will you be packing for lunch? Do you have any new recipes that you know you'll be making? If so, go through them one by one, making sure you have every ingredient. Never assume you have the basics on-hand. 
  2. Enlist the family. Keep a list on your fridge that the whole family can add to. (You can veto the Twinkies, Chips Ahoy, and Lucky Charms later.) When you're running low or run out of something, write it down immediately. The list will serve as a constant reminder of what staples you need to stock up on.
  3. Map it out. Know the layout of your grocery store. Ask the customer service desk if they have an aisle-by-aisle floor plan that you can take with you or photocopy.
  4. Get organized. When you have a list of everything you need, arrange it by location, grouping items that are in the same aisle together. The advantage to this is twofold: You won't be darting from one end of the store to the other, and you'll be less likely to forget something.
  5. Do your research. Check the weekly circulars for sales before you head to the store to insure you're getting the best price. This will save you from comparing prices in the middle of a crowded aisle and prevent sticker shock when a particular item is marked way up.
  6. Cut out coupons. Leave the coupon book at home and take only the coupons you'll need. You don't need to be rifling through the dozens of expired deals, or getting distracted by the ones you've been meaning to use.
  7. Make friends with your grocers. Familiarize yourself with the store's schedule. Know when the store restocks its produce and perishable items so you can buy the freshest products, and so you'll never get caught staring at an empty bread shelf.
  8. Take quiet time. If you can, shop during off-peak hours when the store won't be crowded. If you're a night owl, go late at night. If you're a morning lark, go when you wake up, immediately after breakfast. And if you work from home or are a stay-at-home mom, any time during the day should be low volume.
  9. Go it alone. When in a hurry, food shopping is best done solo, so leave the kids at home. If your husband tags along, make use of him! Split the list in two so that you can divide and conquer.
  10. Don't go hungry. Go after you've eaten and are pleasantly full. This will keep you focused on what you need to buy, and not on what you might want to eat.

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