Monday, December 22, 2014



  •  Gift card so they can shop and get want they want or need

  •  Sweater.

  • A new pancreas

  •  A big box of sugar free fat free goodies. And a big soft teddy bear so they can hug when down.

  •  Gift certificate is always a safe bet.

  •  Give them your love and understandment.

  •  Gift card.
  •  if no ins get them some strips if needed or a tag or bracelet to wear

  • Fuzzy socks, good lotion (gold bond diabetic or Eucerin), and nice mani/pedi kit.

  • They are no different why think it has to be food related my husband is diabetic and the family give him gifts nit food or diabetic things

  • A nice. Gift basket. Of sugar free items

  •  I like Debbie's idea, the gift card is always appreciated by m

  •  A bracelet to wear and some strips all ways needed

  •  A nice bag to keep everything in. I have one that holds my needles, my strips, alcohol swabs and anything else related. All in one place and I can take it with me

  •  PLEASE no sugar free candy unless you are going to send along Imodium .. gift card , scarves , perfume , lotions ,jewelry .. Ect

  •  An ID bracelet. I used a coach makeup bag to carry all my supplies in, it made me feel good inside everytime I tested

  •  Chocolate

  •  Anything but a food basket, candy or diet cook

  • A gift card at a store that sells grocery and also diabetic stuff. You cannot go wrong with a gift card from Wal-Mart

  •  Same thing I would give someone that doesnt

  •  Cash

  •  same thing you would get a person without diabetes. i guess i don't see food as a christmas gift.

  •  Gift card

  •  Sweet and Low

  • A new pancreas if i could cuz that's what i wont for Xmas

  •  Same thing as a non diabetic. No booze because my husband, the diabetic does not drink.

  •  All I need is a just Hug!

  •  Hug sent.

  •  Home depot gift card

  • Kelly Wood I wish someone would give me a gym pass

  •  movie tickets or some other interest they have


  •  Anything you would give someone without diabetes!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Exactly the same as if they didn't have diabetes

  •  I would not consider they have diabetes when choosing a gift. Of course I never give food .

  • Anything that's not food

  •  Exactly. ..why limit gift

  •  A trip to the islands

  •  Bath and body...Victoria for

  • personally, unless I express that I want or need diabetic supplies, I'd rather not get gifts centered around my illness.

  •  I luv riding booth

  •  Non food

  •  Why should there be a difference? Are we letting our disease define us?..NO!

  •  Gift Cards to Any Store, Items for the house they can use or perfume

  • We are people first and foremost

  •  My grandma is a type 2 diabetic and I always get her a big box of sugar free assorted chocolates she loves those , and then anything else she has been hinting about

  • Any gift that you give anyone should be thought out , I don't want to purchase my own gifts, so a gift cert. is not for everyone.

  •  i want the gift of time. Coupons for coffee together (or something like that)

  •  A cure

  •  Clothes

  • Hug and gift cards

  •  ya gifts r a good idea because they can buy what they want

  • A cure

  • A personal low carb recipe book of things I have tried that was good


    Nothing to eat or drink.

  •  Anything im type 2 get perfume for her & for him colone

  • sweet that are sugar-free,or perfume.
  •  If it is food or drink anything sugar or no sugar added

  •  gift cards, jewelry, clothes, cash

  •  a non-food item such as a scarf, gloves, a cd with Christmas music, a decoration for their home

  •  anything u want

  •  If it were me receiving the gift I'd like a cookbook or a diet guide on what we can and cannot eat some of your recipes are absolutely wonderful so cookbook with these recipes and it would be nice but that's what I'd like to get that was given to me

  • Anything not related to food

  • As a type 2, I am no different than anyone else. I would like the same things that others would like. Just nothing food oriented........ Although my friend just outfitted my kitchen with new pots, pans and utensils. It certainly makes cooking healthy easier.

  •  Anything you wanted to give. I enjoy getting a diabetic cookbook and I also enjoy getting candy. I can pace myself and treat myself to it everyone once in a while. I would hate to have people afraid to give what they can afford in this day and age because I am diabetic. It is up to me to be respectful and thankful for anything.
  •  The same kind I would give to someone who doesn't have diabetes. Why. Treat them differently

  •  im going to eat but not alot and have some pie and not the whole pie i live just like anyone one this earth i work and bowl and i love christmas merry christmas to all and btw im type2 taking no meds

  •  Strips

  •  health -

  • Someone to share my life with whom understands the challenges of my disease and will help me as I help them.

  •  something that they love and enjoy doing.

  •  a gift card to their favorite store.

  • A little bit of dark chocolate

  • A cookbook for diabetics with tasty recipes in it

  •  Cookbooks are always helpful

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