Sunday, September 28, 2014

BREADS: BREAD MACHINE BREAD(click here to print)

Bread Machine Low Carb Bread


This makes a 1 pound loaf, use basic white setting
Number of Servings: 12


    1/2 cup water
    1 egg
    1 Tblsp butter or margarine
    2 Tblsp Splenda
    1/3 cup ground flax seeds
    1/4 cup coconut flour
    3/4 cup vital wheat gluten flour
    1 tsp dry yeast


I mixed all my dry ingredients together (except the yeast) and put the mixture in the bread machine, then I melted the butter, slightly beat the egg and combined the butter and egg with the water, stir just well enough to mix, pour on top of dry ingredients. Add yeast according to bread machine instructions. Let cool completely in pan. 12 servings = 3.3 carbs; 10 servings = 4 carbs per serving

Number of Servings: 12   

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