Saturday, May 14, 2016

BREAKFAST: KETO CINNABONS (click here to print)


2 cups mozzarella
3 oz cream cheese
1 egg
¼ cup coconut flour
¼ cup almond flour
¼ cup Swerve
¼ tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp baking powder
¼ cup Walden Farms maple syrup
2 tsp vanilla

2/3 cup egg white protein powder

1/3 cup Swerve
1 tsp cinnamon

2 tbsp butter

2/3 cup powdered Swerve
2 tbsp unsweetened cashew milk (I used almond milk)
½ tsp vanilla


1) Put 2 cups mozzarella cheese in a large microwavable bowl. Top with 3 oz cream cheese broken up into chunks spread across the cheese. 

2) Microwave for 45 seconds. Stir well. Put back in microwave until mixture is fully melted.

3) Add in the egg, coconut flour, almond flour, Swerve, salt, cinnamon and baking powder. This mixture will be extremely dry and hard to stir.

4) Add in the 1/4 cup Walden Farms maple syrup and vanilla. The syrup should "loosen" up the mix a bit, but if you're still having trouble mixing, heat it up for 15-30 seconds and then continue mixing.

5) Finally, add the egg white protein powder and mix gently into the dough. (It's okay if it's still slightly visible on the outside of the dough, as this helps avoid the stickiness when you roll it out.)

6) Spray wax paper with coconut oil spray, and put the block of dough on it. Spray the top of the dough block with coconut oil spray and put a sheet of wax paper on top of it.

7) Roll out the dough until thin (about 1/4 in). Remove top sheet of wax paper.

8) Mix the 1/3 cup Swerve and 1 tsp cinnamon in a small bowl.

9) Melt the 2 tbsp butter in the microwave in a separate small dish, and spread it liberally on the top of the dough using a pastry brush.

10) Sprinkle the Swerve-cinnamon mixture on top of the butter.

11) Roll the dough until you have a large log of dough. Cut rolls of dough roughly every inch, depending on how large of cinnamon rolls you want. (Mine was about 13" long and therefore made 13 rolls.)

12) Spray a 9" circular pan with coconut oil spray and place rolls in the pan with swirl side up. Leave a little space between them to give them space to bake.

13) At this point, if it's nighttime, you can leave the cinnamon rolls in the fridge overnight covered in plastic wrap to bake fresh in the morning, or, if you want them now, proceed directly to the next step.

14) Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Bake for about 32-38 minutes or until golden brown.

15) Meanwhile, make the icing by mixing the powdered Swerve with the unsweetened cashew milk and vanilla.

16) When the cinnamon rolls come out of the oven, ice immediately, and enjoy!

3 g. carbs; 12 servings

SOURCE: caroline'

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