Monday, April 18, 2016


Delectable Low Carb Brownies

These brownies are rich, very flavorful, and true to the brownie taste we all know and love. The xylitol is crucial for the flavor and texture. I wouldn’t recommend using stevia, but as with all recipes feel free to adjust.

Delectable Low Carb Brownies
  • 3/4 cup granulated xylitol or erythritol
  • 1/4 cup almond meal
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 4 egg whites
  • 1/4 cup unsweeted applesauce (omit if applesauce spikes your blood sugar)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  1. Preheat oven to 350F.
  2. Mix xylitol, cocoa powder, almond meal, baking powder, and salt.
  3. Add in egg whites, applesauce, and vanilla extract and stir until completely combined, which may take a few minutes. Make sure there are no pockets of cocoa powder.
  4. Spoon/pour batter into a greased or foil lined 8X8 pan. (If you use foil, be sure to spray the foil with cooking spray or the cake will stick to the foil when you try to get it out of the pan)
  5. Bake in the oven at 350F for 30-35 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.

TIP:  I added 1/2 cup chopped pecans and 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut.  I also substituted lemon extract for the vanilla extract.  Very good...tastes like a candy bar!

Nutritional Facts

Calories 74
Calories from Fat 40
Total Fat 4.4g
Saturated Fat 1.1g
Sodium 313mg
Total Carbohydrates 9.7g
Dietary Fiber 4.1g
Sugars 2.2g
Protein 4.5g

1 comment:

  1. I made this. I added 1/2 cup chopped pecans and 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut and used lemon extract instead of vanilla. First of all, if you are going to use foil, be sure to spray it. I didn't and the brownies stuck to the foil. Next time I will use whole eggs not just the whites because it was kind of crumbly. Otherwise, it tasted really good. like a candy bar
