Thursday, December 10, 2015

MAIN DISH: PUMPKIN CHILI (click here to print)

1 lb. ground meat (grass-fed beef, ground turkey or even chicken)
2-1/2 lbs. of cut veggies such as bell pepper, zucchini, squash (all types), onions , cut into 1-inch chunks
5 tbsp. chili seasoning
1/4-1/2 tsp. Himalayan salt or sea salt
1-1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon (start with 1 tsp.)
1-1/2 cups mashed pumpkin
Sweeten to taste (I used 1/8 tsp. Stevia Select and 1 tbsp. honey)
1/4 cup tomato paste
Hot Sauce (optional)

Brown meat either in a large pot or slow cooker (only if your slow cooker can be used on the stove top). Once meat is almost cooked, add the cut veggies, chili seasoning, 1/4 tsp. salt, cinnamon, pumpkin, sweetener and tomato paste. Stir well.
Cook in slow cooker on high for 2-3 hours or low for 5-6 hours or cover and cook on stove top on low for 45-60 minutes or until vegetables are tender.
Before serving, stir and taste for salt, cinnamon and sweetness and adjust if needed for your taste. If you desire extra salt and chili seasoning, sprinkle with a little Cajun House Seasoning or even hot sauce.  makes about 10 cups
8.5 carbs

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