Tuesday, October 27, 2015


    • 3  large eggs (divided)
    • 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
    • Scant 1/2 cup almond flour (almost 1/2 cup, don't pack it down)
    • 1/2 tsp. Trader Joe's stevia OR 1/4 tsp. or sweetener of choice (to taste)
    • ¼ tsp. of baking powder
  1. Pre-heat oven 400 degrees F and place parchment paper on 2 cookie sheets. Divide eggs into 2 separate bowls. Beat egg whites until egg whites form stiff peaks. Set aside. In a separate bowl, beat yolks with 1/4 tsp stevia (or sweetener of choice).  Beat until pale yellow (3-4 minutes).  Mix in vanilla.  Fold almond flour and baking powder into the bowl containing the creamed egg yolks.
    Carefully fold in the whipped egg whites to the yolk and flour mixture, making sure not to over-mix the batter. Taste for sweetness. Put the batter into a ziplock bag and snip of ½ from corner and pipe the batter into lady finger shapes, 4 inches long 1 inch wide (they don’t have to be perfect) but be sure to leave enough space between them as they expand during baking.
    Bake for 10-12 minutes until they have a slight golden color (may vary by ovens). Remove from oven and while warm remove lady fingers (use thin spatula) and transfer to cooling rack.

For Coffee dip

6 oz strong brewed coffee 
½  tsp. pure vanilla extract
1 tsp Marsala wine
1-2 servings Stevia or sweetener of choice (to taste) 
Mix and set aside and allow to cool.

Zabaglione filling

4 egg yolks
1/8-1/4 tsp  Stevia, or sweetener of choice (to taste)
1/3 cup Marsala wine (or other sweet wine)
8 oz full fat cream cheese
¾ cup heavy whipping cream 
Beat egg yolks until fluffy and pale (about 2 minutes).  Add Marsala wine and sweetener.  Put in double boiler and whisk yolks till it thickens.  Remove from heat and pour into another bowl to stop the cooking. Whip heavy cream.  Taste for sweetness and adjust if necessary. Set a side.
Beat cream cheese with cooled Zabaglione sauce (egg yolk and Marsala wine mixture). Fold the whipped cream into the zabaglione cheese cream until smooth.
Finally Assembly:
Need Cocoa powder for dusting between layers

Layer the lady fingers into your dish.  I placed them upside down so they would absorb more.  I did 3 layers of 6 fingers.  You can either dip the lady finger in the coffee mixture or spoon 1 tsp of mixture on each cookie.  Add 1/3 of zabaglione filling.  Spread over cookies. Dust with cocoa powder.  Repeat 2 more times. Refrigerate for at least 3-4 hours or overnight. Serve cold.

nutritional values for this recipe,click here


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