Monday, March 23, 2015


Coconut-Lemon Meltaway Cookies
Step 1.
Dry Ingredients
1 & 1/2 cups Almond Flour (you can make this, or buy it – however most store bought Almond flour is not raw)
1 & 1/2 cups dried Shredded Unsweetened Coconut (I used medium shred, but fine shred would also work well)
1/3 c Coconut Flour
2 big pinches of Salt
Mix all of your dry ingredients together – set aside and move onto the next step.
Step 2.
Wet Ingredients
In a small mixing bowl combine the following:
6 Tbsp sugar free maple syrup
4 Tbsp Lemon Juice
2 tsp Vanilla
1 Tbsp Lemon zest (Tip: Zest your Lemon before you juice it)
Mix together all of the above ingredients…
Step 3.
The Thickener
1/4 cup AND 1 Tbsp melted Coconut Oil
While your Mixer is on, stream in your melted Coconut Oil. Your batter will thicken fairly quickly as it mixes with the Oil and the oil cools down.
The final step is up to you.
You can either –
Option 1. (This is the best way to have these cookies in my opinion)
Warm them in either your Dehydrator or Oven (set at it’s lowest heat, leaving the door cracked open).
Warm your Cookies for 1 hour, maybe a bit longer
Your finished Cookie will be dry on the outside and melt-in-your-mouth moist on the inside
Place your cookies in the fridge after they’ve cooled down, letting them chill and set before you eat them.

Option 2. Place your Cookies to set/chill in the fridge for about an hour.
If you opt not to heat/dry your cookies the texture will be soft and moist.

For nutritional values, click here

Source and Photo Credit:

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