Friday, September 19, 2014

COOKIES: GINGERSNAP(click here to print)

3 ounces almond flour, 3/4 cup
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ginger
1/8 teaspoon cloves ...
Pinch nutmeg
Pinch allspice
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 egg white
4 teaspoons granular Splenda or equivalent liquid Splenda
1/4 teaspoon blackstrap molasses TIP: I use sugar free Torani gingerbread syrup to taste
1/8 teaspoon vanilla

In a small bowl, blend the spices and salt with the almond flour. Stir in the remaining ingredients until well blended and a sticky dough forms. Drop the dough by teaspoons in 24 tiny piles on parchment-lined 12x17" baking sheet. Very lightly and gently pick up each piece of dough and roll into a ball; put back on the baking sheet making sure to space them evenly 6 across and 4 down. Cover the balls with plastic wrap (you can use a small piece and move it around as needed) and take a baking powder can, that has about an 1/8" rim around the bottom, and press down firmly over each ball of dough. Be sure to press all the way down to the baking sheet. Peel off the plastic wrap and repeat until all the cookies have been shaped. Prick them with a fork. You may have to gently hold the cookies down with one hand while pricking so that the dough stays put. Bake at 325ยบ for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from the pan and cool on a rack.
Makes 24 cookies
Can be frozen
Per Cookie: 22 Calories; 2g Fat; 1g Protein; 1g carb

Tip: Crush these, add some melted butter and you have a great crust for a pumpkin pie.


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