Thursday, August 7, 2014

GRILLING: HOBO PACK(click here to print)


1/2 head cauliflower
1/2 medium onion
1 medium carrot (omit if doing keto)
1 large rib of celery
salt, pepper
8 slices bacon
2 tbs. butter

Cut cauliflower into small chunks. Coarsely chop the onion, slice the carrot about 1/4 inch thick and slice the celery about the same thickness. Tear off a piece of heavy duty aluminum foil about 18 inches long. Pile the vegetables in the middle. Salt and pepper them(add any additional spices you like). Crumble the cooked bacon on top, and dot with butter. Fold the foil over the whole thing and fold seam a few times. Put the packet on the grill and give it 12 to 15 minutes. Pull the packet off the grill with thongs. Open on a plate and serve.
6 servings; 3 carbs
*The Low carb barbecue book-Dana Carpender*

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